Holistic Wellness Coaching Services: Coach V offer’s sessions from 45 – 60 minutes at $250 per session. Each session includes a meal plan, goal development strategy, wellness check, and one 32oz jar of custom-made sea moss gel. Sessions will be conducted by phone or video call as needed. Each session will be paid fully in advance and the session will follow as scheduled. The work, success, and progress of your wellness journey is completely up to you (the client). The client must be an eligible candidate for coaching (mental state matters). Holistic coaching offers alternative lifestyle and medicinal options but is not a substitute to your medical commitments. Medical substitutions is completely up to the client. Recommendations and referrals around the scopes of holistic healing is provided as suited. It is the coach’s responsibility to discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve; encourage client self-discovery.
What is wellness coaching? Wellness coaching is a coaching specialization that builds on expertise in areas related to health, wellness, and fitness while relying on relevant theories and methods from the coaching field. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) classifies coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. Furthermore, the ICF states “Coaching is not about dwelling on the past to discover the root causes of a person’s psychological and relational dysfunctions; it is not therapy. Likewise, coaching is not expert consulting-giving advice or proposing solutions to diagnosed issues-nor is it mentoring- providing knowledge and guidance based on the mentor’s experience”.
Expectations: You will be willing to go through this process and you are fully committed.
Our Goal: Is to get you successfully through what is known as the TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL (TTM). It is a series of stages the client goes through hoping to get to the end goal of “Termination. Precontemplation (not yet started any change or influenced), Contemplation (Acknowledge they have a problem & willing to think to modify behavior), preparation (on the verge of action), action (you’re doing it! Following the plan, you developed), Maintenance stage (you’ve been committed for at least 6 months and had no relapses), Termination (the new behavior has become an integral part of daily life and the likely chance of relapse is slim to nonexistent.
Coach V finished the wellness coaching program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA December 11, 2021. He is also a Mercer University (MU) alumnus. He holds his bachelor and master’s degree from the MU prestigious institution in social sciences and he specializes in human behaviors. Coach V is legit with a strong passion for holistic health and studying human behavior patterns. Which makes him an ideal wellness coach for novices in transition. Welcome to alkalinity!
Forms of payment accepted: Apple pay & Cash app can is associated with his phone number, cash tag $CoachVkofi, PayPal email: alkalineculture@gmail.com, Zelle option, associated phone number and email as well. *No refunds. Session must take place within one week from the coaching contract being sent to your email for your signature.